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C2 Design Group News

August 6, 2013

Members of the Schenectady County Legislature were joined by New York Secretary of State Cesar A. Perales, local municipal leaders, and public safety officials to formally break ground on the new Schenectady County Unified Communications Center. Groundbreaking formally begins the construction of a new centralized dispatch facility that will consolidate a fragmented emergency communications system into one county-wide dispatch center. Construction of the center is partially supported through a Local Government Efficiency Grant funded through the New York Department of State.

“Schenectady County has been working very closely with our municipal leaders and emergency responders to facilitate a centralized emergency dispatch system that will save our taxpayers money and improve public safety,” said Judy Dagostino, Chairwoman of the Schenectady County Legislature and former Chair of the Legislature’s Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation. “We are all very excited about the prospects for greater efficiency, better coordination and improved effectiveness this consolidated dispatch system will bring to Schenectady County.”