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C2 Design Group News

March 17, 2020

The leadership at C2 has spent a lot of time thinking about solutions to the challenges that lie ahead with growing concerns about COVID-19. The health and well-being of our staff, families, and clients are paramount.

Beginning today (3/17/2020), we have encouraged staff to work from home. Our staff will work remotely without any restrictions to maintain deadlines and meetings. We have also restricted airline travel and have reduced in person meetings. We have communication tools in place that we are using to keep our staff informed and operational. The same tools will allow us to continue responding to client needs with little impact.

This plan is fluid and will be modified, as needed to comply with CDC guidelines.

We believe in being a good corporate citizen and know that these adjustments will be beneficial to all as we navigate these uncertain times.

To all, we thank you for your cooperation as we work through this together.

Be safe. Be well.

—The C2 Team