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C2 Design Group News

December 13, 2019

C2 Design Group was honored by the Albany Business Review as one of the Best Places to Work in 2019.  More than 160 companies submitted nominations to be considered for the award and 48 were selected. C2 is proud to be a first-time recipient of the Best Places to Work award.

We were asked to complete a survey that was included as part of an insert to the weekly paper that shares some insights about our growing firm.

Company name: C2 Design Group

Year founded locally: 2009

Location: Schenectady

Industry: Architecture

Top contact: Michael Roman, principal

Employees today: 11

Employees five years ago: 7

Best Places to Work wins: 1

Does your company have a cool office space? Our office is new and modern. It has an open floor plan that allows our staff to have design conversations throughout the day. Our kitchen is a great spot to host lunch and learns. Our office is also electric net-zero because of roof solar panels that were installed.

What’s one out-of-the-box way you’ve recruited talent? We have made a sincere effort to capture our company’s culture on all social media platforms. It highlights projects we’re working on, lunch and learns, community events we’re involved in and other day-to-day activities.

If someone wants to work for your company, what’s something they can do to stand out? Mail in a hard copy of the candidate’s portfolio in addition to the standard email. Many emails come in each day, and mailed portfolios tend to stand out.

What do you do for fun, team-building activities? We hold annual summer outings and a holiday party. Our staff enjoys happy hours and participating in the CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge. Additionally, our staff participates in community service events like packing backpacks at the City Mission in downtown Schenectady, raising funds and collecting cans as a Hunger Heroes team for the Capital Region CANstruction that benefits The Food Pantries for the Capital District.